Maven 3.9.1+ blocks http during deployment


When deploying with Myst the 'download-deploy-artifacts' Myst action returns a maven-default-http-blocker error.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.5.1:copy (copy-artifacts) on project myst-Artefacts: Unable to resolve artifact.: Could not transfer artifact mystsoftware:StockOSB:sbar:1.0-101 from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [artifactory-repo (, default, releases+snapshots), artifactory-snapshot-repo (, default, releases+snapshots)]


Version 3.8.1 of Maven blocks unsecure http by default.

If a WebLogic patch such as the one below was applied then Maven has been updated. 34298772 -WLS PATCH SET UPDATE


The same Maven link above also contains a solution

  1. Update the endpoint that is being blocked to HTTPS

  2. Define a mirror by updating your ~/.m2/settings.xml or Myst Continuous Delivery Profile.

    1. If you don't use the Continuous Delivery Profile then update ~/.m2/settings.xml on each of the AdminServer hosts


  • Take caution when changing the Myst Continuous Delivery Profile. You will need to know what the original contents were as Myst hides it contains passwords.*

  • Backup the Myst database

  • You can also find the settings.xml when running a Myst action and SSH'ing to the AdminServer under the default Myst workspace location (``/tmp/mystWorkspace/RANDOM_ID`/resources/maven/settings.xml)


If neither of the above solutions work for you then there's a way to override the maven-default-http-blocker to block an unused/dummy protocol.

Keep in mind the <blocked>true</blocked> doesn't seem to do anything even when set to false.

        <name>Dummy protocol to prevent http being blocked</name>

Last updated