Oracle Analytics Server

Myst supports Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) 6.4.0 in Myst 7.1.0-rc1.


Operating System Configuration

Ensure your host meets requirements as per Oracle documentation. Particularly the Linux operating system kernel, file limits, and process limits. If these are not configured to minimum specification you may find the JVMs very slow.

Naming Convention

Due to some config errors when creating System Components in OAS it is recommended to use the default AdminServer and Managed Server names (AdminServer, bi_server1, bi_server2, etc).

Shared Storage

OAS uses a Singleton Data Directory (SDD) for sharing data and config across multiple nodes. This directory needs to be accessible by all nodes as per Oracle documentation.


OAS's system.user account is used by OAS internally as per Oracle documentation.

Myst automatically creates the user as part of domain creation.

OAS's jms.queue.auth account must be a unique name and apart of the Administrators group as per Oracle documentation. Change the myst default naming (if you'd like).

Myst automatically creates the user and assigns to the Administrators group.


After provisioning completes you must start the system components via the Enterprise Manager console.

You can immediately click the Start All button however, we find starting the BI Service Instance (obis1) first avoids a race condition resulting in the failure of one or more system components.

Last updated