Myst SSH to a DMZ host via a Jumpbox/Bastion

Are there servers firewalled (or in a DMZ) which cannot be SSH'd directly? These servers are usually public facing such as OHS and can only be connected via a jumpbox. Below are examples of configuring SSH tunnels.

Note that the SSH configuration below is for the adminserver because Myst connects to hosts via the AdminServer.


Check SSH Version

Check your SSH version by running as certain commands have compatibility requirements.

ssh -V

Setup SSH Keys for Passwordless Login

Obviously we need all SSH connections to not have a prompt otherwise you'd be entering a password for each SSH jump.

These steps assume you don't have an SSH key. If you already have a key then skip steps 1 and 2.

  1. Generate the private and public keys

    1. SSH to the adminserver as the oracle user

    2. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

    3. Leave the defaults by pressing the Enter key

  2. Copy the public key to the Jumpbox

    1. ssh-copy-id oracle@adminserver

    2. Enter the password for the oracle user

    3. NOTE: If the above command does not work due to ssh-copy-id not existing then try:

      cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh oracle@jumpbox "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

  3. Copy the public key to the DMZ Host1

    1. SSH to the Jumpbox as the oracle user

    2. ssh-copy-id oracle@jumpbox

    3. Enter the password for the oracle user

    4. NOTE: If the above command does not work due to ssh-copy-id not existing then try:

      cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh oracle@dmzhost1 "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

SSH Jump Methods

Update or create the oracle user's $HOME/.ssh/config with one of these methods.

ProxyJump (OpenSSH 7.3+)

Host dmzhost1
    ProxyJump adminserver,jumpbox

ProxyCommand - Single

Use this method if running a version lower than OpenSSH 7.3.

Host dmzhost1
    ProxyCommand ssh adminserver -A ssh jumpbox -W %h:%p

ProxyCommand - Multiple

Use this method if the single method does not work.

Host dmzhost1
    ProxyCommand ssh jumpbox -W %h:%p

Host jumpbox
    ProxyCommand ssh adminserver -W %h:%p

Validate SSH jump

Test the SSH command.

  1. SSH to the adminserver and the oracle user

  2. Run the command to validate

     ssh dmzhost1

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