Enable SSL (HTTPS) for Jenkins

This guide details the steps required to enable HTTPS on the Jenkins docker container. It follows Jenkins documentation: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/installing/initial-settings/#configuring-http



It is assumed you have SSL certificates provided.

  • identity.jks is your identity store with the server certificate

  • trust.jks is your trust store with any trusted certificates (eg. organization CA certs)

Setting Up HTTPS

Creating Keystores Directory

Create a new directory under the Myst server installation and copy your keystore there named identity.jks and trust.jks.

mkdir /opt/myst-studio/conf/data/keystores

Adding Myst Certificate to trust.jks

Jenkins will publish application metadata to Myst. This is done during the build process. If untrusted, you will see errors during the build process when Jenkins publishes application metadata to Myst.

There are two options. Use one option only.

  1. Reuse existing truststore or;

  2. Create a new truststore

Option 1: Reuse existing Truststore

  1. Copy the existing Jenkins Java cacerts

cd /opt/myst-studio/conf/data/keystores
docker cp myststudio_ci:/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts trust.jks

Option 2: Create a New Truststore

  1. Go to the keystores directory

cd /opt/myst-studio/conf/data/keystores
  1. Retreive the certificate from Myst. Change localhost:443 to your myst hostname:port.

echo -n | openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 | openssl x509 > myst.crt
  1. Load the myst certificate into the truststore.

keytool -importcert -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias myst -file myst.crt -keystore trust.jks -storepass changeit

Updating docker-compose-base.yml

  1. Make a backup of the docker-compose-base.yml

  2. Update /opt/myst-studio/conf/ci/docker-compose-base.yml.

version: '2'
    image: ci-server
    container_name: myststudio_ci
    # Ports exposed from Jenkins (external_host:container)
     - 8081:8080
     - 8443:8443
     - 50000:50000
    # Volumes - (external_host:container)
     - ../data/keystores:/var/jenkins_home/keystores
    # Environment Variables
      JENKINS_OPTS: "--httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8443 -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/var/jenkins_home/keystores/trust.jks --httpsKeyStore=/var/jenkins_home/keystores/identity.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=changeit"
    restart: unless-stopped

A detailed explanation of the changes are in the Appendix.


Restarting will also restart Myst Studio, Artifactory, and Jenkins.

cd /opt/myst-studio/bin

And you're finished!


Explanation of YAML Changes


  1. Expose the HTTPS port such as - 8443:8443

  2. Comment out - 8081:8080 so HTTP is disabled


  • Change 8443 to anything you'd like such as - 8443:443

  • To also allow HTTP uncomment - 8081:8080

    # Ports exposed from Jenkins (external_host:container)
     #- 8081:8080
     - 443:8443
     - 50000:50000


Links the keystores directory created earlier to the Jenkins container.

    # Volumes - (external_host:container)
     - ../data/keystores:/var/jenkins_home/keystores

Environment Variables

Environment variable used by Jenkins on startup.


  • The --httpPort=-1 disables HTTP

  • Change to --httpPort=8080 if you want to allow HTTP too.

    # Environment Variables
      JENKINS_OPTS: "--httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8443 -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/var/jenkins_home/keystores/trust.jks --httpsKeyStore=/var/jenkins_home/keystores/identity.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=changeit"


Check the Jenkins docker logs on the Myst server: docker logs -f myststudio_ci


Raise a support ticket at https://mystsoftware.freshdesk.com .

Last updated

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