Introspection and 'Data integrity constraints'

The Problem

When attempting to introspect a domain you receive the following error:

"errors" : [ {
    "code" : "MYST1012",
    "description" : "Data integrity violation",
    "message" : "Data integrity constraints were violated while trying to persist the necessary entities.",
    "severity" : "ERROR",
    "category" : "SYSTEM",
    "domain" : "MyST",
    "rootCause" : {
      "exceptionClass" : "org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException",
      "message" : "could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [null]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement",
      "stackTrace" : "org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [null]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
     at org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect.convertHibernateAccessException(
     at org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect.translateExceptionIfPossible(
     at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.translateExceptionIfPossible(

The Cause

For some reason there are duplicate properties defined within the JCA Adapter configuration. Often this is due to the parameters having slightly different case. e.g. privateKeyFile versus PrivateKeyFile. When MyST Studio goes to store these into the database it violates the db constraints

The Solution

Manually manipulate the Plan.xml for the JCA Adapter and remove the duplicate configuration. This document will step you through some of the tools to make this as easy as possible.

Generate the Introspection JSON

By using the command line introspection utility we are able to generate the json representation of the domain that is pushed to MyST Studio. If you are not familiar with the command line utility, more information on it can be found here.

Getting the Utility

The WebLogic Introspection agent can be obtained by running the following from the MyST Studio host.

docker cp myststudio_web:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/fusioncloud/agent/<File Name> .

where<File Name>is one of the following depending on the operating system where you want to run MyST Studio on.

File NameOperating System


Linux 64 bit


Solaris 64 bit


Solaris SPARC

Once you have obtained the file from within the container, you can copy it to any host that you want to introspect from. To make it readily available asweblogic-introspection, you should copy it to a location on the PATH, rename it and ensure it has execute permissions. For example:

scp weblogic-introspection-linux-x86_64 /tmp 
mkdir -p /home/oracle/bin 
cp /tmp/weblogic-introspection-linux-x86_64 /home/oracle/bin/weblogic-introspection 
export PATH=$PATH:/home/oracle/bin 
chmod +x /home/oracle/bin/weblogic-introspection

Running the Utility

This will generate a file called blueprint

weblogic-introspection -skip-push -export <path to domain files>

Reviewing the JSON

The size and scope of the json document make it very difficult to compare all of the parameters for each individual JCA Adapter configuration looking for duplicates using the Online JSON Editor. There is a tool called jq that proves great json manipulation, in a similar fashion to the unix command sed.

If you do not want to install jq, there is an online version (jqplay) of the editor, as shown in article.

  1. Copy the contents of the blueprint file created by the introspection utility into the JSON field of jqplay

  2. Past the following into the filter field. This will filter out all of the FtpAdapter entries, and generate a list of all of the parameters per adapter configuration. This can also be used for the JMS, and Database simply by changing rxr.wls.JcaAdapter-FtpAdapter to rxr.wls.JcaAdapter-JmaAdapter and rxr.wls.JcaAdapter-DbAdapter respectively. You can also traverse the document in the right hand panel without the filter to find any other adapters you wish to evaluate.

.initialVersion.serviceTemplate.nodeTemplates."rxr.wls.JcaAdapter-FtpAdapter".properties.instance[] |{name: .jndiName."_value",  params: [.param[].mystId."_value"] | sort}
  1. Either review the filtered list in jq play or use your favourite text editor to look for duplicate entries. In the example below eis/sftp/JDEXeAppSvr has both PrivateKeyFile and privateKeyFile

Edit the Plan.xml

Using your favourite text edit, open the Plan.xml for the respective JCA Adapter

The aim of this step is to find both versions of the duplicate parameter, and work out which one should be removed. In some cases one parameter will have a value and the other wont, in which case it is obvious which one should be removed. In the event that both parameters have values and they differ, then a judgement call will need to be made as to which one should be removed.

There are two types entries that will need to be removed from the Plan.xml

  • Variable definition

  • Variable assignment

Searching for the Parameter

The easiest way to find what we are looking for is to perform a case sensitive search of the Plan.xml file for the variable assignment using the following:

[jndi-name="<jndi name>"]/connection-properties/properties/property/[name="<parameter>"]



This should return two results, one for the assignment of the parameter name, and one for the assignment of the parameter value. Take note of the two <name> elements of the variable assignments, as this is what we are going to search for to locate their respective variable definition and values.

Next we search for the variable definition using one of the <name> attributes. In our example variable name is ConfigProperty_PrivateKeyFile_Name_14733557988300

We can see in the screenshot above the variable definition and value for the parameter (they may not always be sequential in the file). In this case the variable has valid value.

Repeat thecase sensitivesearch and locate the variable assignment for the other parameter, then locate the variable definition and determine which parameter should be deleted..

e.g. search for:


Deleting the Parameter

To delete the parameter we must delete the variable assignment as well as the variable definition. In this example we are going to delete the PrivateKeyFile parameter that we initially searched for.

Re-Run Introspection

Having fixed the Plan.xml re-run the introspection. If it still fails, keep searching for more duplicates, they could be in other JCA adapter configurations.

Last updated